Asim K. Duttaroy


University of Oslo
P.O.Box 1046
N-0316 Oslo


Phone: +47 22 85 15 47
Mob: +47 93 40 41 87


Asim K. Duttaroy is an Indian born American medical scientist who, since 2001, works as a Professor at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, Norway.He was born in Gopinagar (Gangnapur), Nadia district, West Bengal, India.Duttaroy is the author of over 300 research papers and book chapters, has authored or edited several books, and also holds several international patents. His research contributions have led to several industrial developments worldwide such as Provexis. Duttaroy, while he worked as Professor (1990-2001) at the Rowett Research Institute at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, United Kingdom, discovered that an extract from tomato had a positive effect in the prevention of blood platelet aggregation.


Research work:

My scientific work has been published in over 325 original contributions, reviews, books, book chapters, and editorials. I own several international patents. My discoveries of anti-thrombotic factors in tomatoes amd kiwifruits are patented internationally, and 3 companies Provexis Limited ( in UK, and IDIA AS ( in Norway, Genimen Pharmacon in India are established to commercialize these discoveries. I have successfully supervised 35 PhD/MD students so far.

Professional Experience: